Our Clients

Every year for a long time Doyle ,Michelle and their team are invited back to the big four shows on the East Coast to provide fun and entertainment to hundreds of thousands Australians. These attractions include the Moomba Waterfest in Melbourne, The Royal Easter Show in Sydney, EKKA in Brisbane and back to Melbourne for the Royal Melbourne Show in September.

As well as these shows in the capital cities Gills Partyland are part of many regional show days up and down the coastline including Maitland, Canberra, Castlehill, Hawkesbury, Grafton and Lismore down south and Bundaberg, Gympie, Rockhampton, McKay, Townsville and Cairns up North.

To participate in these major shows each year Gills must provide a submission supported by documentation and or log books showing that their equipment meets all safety standards and has been serviced as per the manufacturer's maintenance requirements.

Address: PO Box 22, Beenleigh, Q 4207

(07) 3287 5823 | Mobile: 0408 744 420 / 0428 844 420

Email: info@gillspartyland.com.au | Web: www.gillspartyland.com.au