About Us

At Gill's Partyland we believe in the concept of fun. It is the one word we strive to inject in every product and service we offer, whether it is one of the many rides we have invested in or the catering businesses we run. We know the expectations of our many customers and stakeholders, and we always strive to not only meet but exceed these expectations.
"We have always done our utmost to cater to the needs of our customers and various show committee partners through professional services, sales, rentals and catering. Gill's Partyland places a premium on the concept of selling 'fun-food'. Eating at a carnival or show should be an experience and not merely a means of filling a hole in your belly...we sell the memories and experiences our customers had when they were a kid, that they now wish to share with their own children". - Michelle Gill - Director Gills Partyland

Gill's Partyland has owned and operated amusement equipment and catering outlets for over 30 years, and is recognised as both a certified food handling operation as well as an accredited senior first aid outlet. We specialise in providing innovative and unique amusement rides and games for all age groups, as well as offering both traditional and original carnival food catering.

Our long-standing family background in all things 'carnival' has equipped us with the knowledge, skill and understanding to not only survive, but thrive in an increasingly competitive carnival amusements/catering environment. Gill's Partyland has a long and ever-increasing list of attractions that are strategically updated to suit shifting consumer trends". - Doyle Gill - Director and Founder, Gills Partyland

Mid 1960's - Ekka

Top of the Pops operated by Doyle Gill Snr


Doyle Gill Snr now in his 80's relaxing at a Gold Coast show


1950's - Ekka

Showtime broadway at the Ekka

1930 - Age 8

Francis Gill (nee Foster) performing at the Hayden's Circus. She became known as the best 'sideshow spruiker' in Australia of her time

Address: PO Box 22, Beenleigh, Q 4207

(07) 3287 5823 | Mobile: 0408 744 420 / 0428 844 420

Email: info@gillspartyland.com.au | Web: www.gillspartyland.com.au