The Australian Amusement, Leisure and Recreational Association is a national industry body with particular responsibilities in the areas of workplace health and safety and operational management within a wide range of predominantly family entertainment attractions. These include transportable attractions (circuses and carnivals), permanent indoor attractions (play centres), outdoor attractions (theme parks, animal and marine parks, swimming pools and adventure) and festivals and shows.

AALARA has adopted an Industry Code of Ethics as a standard practice for all members.

ALLARA maintains close ties and corresponds with similar international associations including The International Association of Amusement Parks, The Amusement Business Association and the World Waterpark Association.

They have just held their Annual Conference and Trade Exhibition at Conrad Jupiters on the Gold Coast which was attended by Doyle Gill.

Address: PO Box 22, Beenleigh, Q 4207

(07) 3287 5823 | Mobile: 0408 744 420 / 0428 844 420

Email: info@gillspartyland.com.au | Web: www.gillspartyland.com.au