Welcome to Gill's Partyland
Welcome to Gills Partyland, a world of rides, games, food and fun.

Our long list of attractions is ever growing and changing with new technology to reflect the changing likes of the carnival loving public.

Doyle Gill's family has been in the amusement industry for over 100 years, Five generations of providing fun to millions of children. Gills Partyland Pty Ltd founded in 1974 and operates at all the major shows on the east coast from Cairns to Melbourne.

Gills Partyland is a long time member of the Showman's Guild and AALARA Risk Management. Such is their dedication and professionalism on work place health and safety issues they have a 30 year 100% safe free record with no injury or complaints.
Games   Rides   Food
Games   Rides   Food

With the experience of observing thousands of happy clients Partyland has a combination of old time favourites, modern classics and new games with the latest technology from overseas.

They include Circus Clowns, Balloon Bust. Catch a Duck,Pull a String, Tin Can Alley, and many more.


We all remember the fun rides at the show, whether when we were young or taking our own children to the show.

Partyland is continually adding new rides including the Samba, Aladin Mini Jet, The Convoy and their latest ride to the old favourites like Ferris Wheel and Cup and Saucer.


Gills Partyland offer a full range of food vans including all the old show time favourites plus a range of food to suit the changing eating habits.

Michelle is only too happy to discuss your requirements and based on her experience will present you with a proposal of her recommendations.

Address: PO Box 22, Beenleigh, Q 4207

(07) 3287 5823 | Mobile: 0408 744 420 / 0428 844 420

Email: info@gillspartyland.com.au | Web: www.gillspartyland.com.au